Monday, October 24, 2005

I'm doing the happy dance!

Because I won an argument with my cable and internet provided about a payment made via bounced check to my account. Some slight problems though: I don't use checks to pay my bills, the amount didn't match what my bill monthly payment is, my bank showed no record of a transaction that matched what "Company X" said was mine, I didn't have a check by that number anyway, and at the time the payment was made (in a very odd amount I might add) I had just paid my monthly fee and had a balance of $0.00.

It took over a week to straighten in out, and I did my little bit of hell-raising, and eventually they had to admit I was right. Even after one of the customer service androids said "We can't make a mistake like this, the computer won't let us."

Hah! I'm back, and I have a nice fat credit to my account too.

And that is why there have been no entries. I will make up for it though because there has been a wee bit going on in the world.

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