Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dear Senator Specter

Welcome to the Democratic Party! I lived in Philadelphia for many years and you were the only Republican candidate I ever voted for. You always seemed to listen to your constituants and overall, we (Democrats and Republicans) were pleased, otherwise we wouldn't not have reelected you so many times. You actually served your constituants, which somepeople might consider a novelty in this hyperpartisan age.

I know you are now what is considered a center right Democrat and there is one issue I want to nudge you on: EFCA. I know you don't like it, but Americans need EFCA to ensure they have a real choice when it come to union membership. Having the Republicans lie about the fact no secret ballet elections will be allowed is a fallacy that needs to go away. Even if you are opposed to EFCA, if you could present the facts, that would be a good thing.

Health care reform or smoke and mirrors?

This is going to be short since I have to get to PT.

I received an email from Healthcare-Now! this morning. I have bolded the bits that I think are important.

We need your help getting a single-payer supporter into Senate Finance Committee roundtable discussions on healthcare reform. The Finance Committee (Led by Sen. Max Baucus - MT) is holding three roundtable discussions on healthcare reform in the coming weeks.

The first discussion, titled “Reforming America’s Health Care Delivery System,” on April 21st, had thirteen witnesses. Aetna was there. Blue Cross Blue Shield was there. But not one single-payer supporter was invited.

This is unacceptable. We need to make sure our representatives respond to the demands of the people. Together, let’s put the Senate Finance Committee to the test and demand they include single-payer experts at the upcoming Roundtable discussions on health reform.

The next two discussions are on May 5th(”Increasing access to health care coverage”) and May 14th (”Financing comprehensive health care reform”.

Here is the link for Healthcare-NOW! that includes more information. If your congressperson is on this committee, please write them and let them know you support Single-Payer healthcare for the American people. Americans deserve no less.