Sunday, September 25, 2005

Up to 300,000 Strong Protest in Washington

This is heartening! From the Melbourne Herald Sun:

300,000 protest against Iraq war

MORE than 100,000 protesters in Washington and thousands in London yesterday demonstrated against the US-led war in Iraq.

Prominent anti-war protester, Cindy Sheehan, who camped outside US President George W. Bush's Texas holiday ranch for weeks after her son was killed fighting in Iraq said: "We need a people's movement to end this war."
Organisers of the Washington demonstration said 300,000 people had assembled -- triple the expected 100,000. But Washington police refused to confirm this.

A US veterans' group said the protests would devastate troop morale.

But a 22-year-old who fought in Iraq until medically discharged four months ago, disagreed. "People join the military to defend their country, not lies," said Adam Reuter.

I wish I could have been there, but given health and finances, this time around I couldn't make it. I do intend to go to as many protests as I can. Why? Like Adam Reuter said, "People join the military to defend their country, not lies." This war is wrong. Period.

My father is a Korean War veteran, and is adamantly against the war. Though he lives in New York, he would have loved to go to Crawford, as would I. Crawford is just the beginning though.

We need to mobilize and have a consistent message: ending the war in a timely and realistic manner in necessary because it was based on lies. You know what? I don't even feel comfortable calling it a war. I'm not sure what to call though. It's not a "police action". Profiteer-led invasion? GWB Legacy Campaign? Operation Fraud?

What do we say to the Iraqis whose country is now in ruins? Yes, most, are thrilled that Saddam Hussein is out of power and his sons are dead. They were scum. But will we help rebuild what we destroyed?

If I were an Iraqi woman, I'd be asking these questions:
Where's our water and electricity?
Why have car bombings skyrocketed?
Why aren't we safe in our own country?
Why is al Qaida here now trying to get my sons to join them?
Do we have to worry about election results being tampered with? (Yeah, I wonder our results here, too.)
Can we really be united as a nation, or will our religious differences result in Federalism?
If we institute Sharia will I and my daughters have to be veiled when outside?
Will be have to have a male relative with us when we go out?
Will my daughters and I be allowed to drive?
If I or one of my daughters are raped, will the only way to get a conviction against the rapist be to have four male witnesses who saw the rape testify that yes, a rape occurred?
If I or one of my daughters is accused and convicted of adultery, would we be stoned to death or beheaded?

What has Bush done? Did he even understand the culture of the area before he decided to put on the White Knight suit and go to "democratize" Iraq. Do Iraqis and Bush even have the same definition of democracy? I honestly don't know. But I feel this war has put the United States in more danger, not just from terrorist attacks, but from attacks from within when protesters are labeled traitors and American citizens, like Manuel Padilla, who are suspected of terrorist ties are denied their constitutional rights.

And I don't want this democracy Bush so wants to put in place result in a form of government where Sharia is used to legally condemn a women to death by stoning or beheading for committing adultery.

Do you want your sons and daughters to fight for that?

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